Monday, January 31, 2011

The Knights of Henry

Maybe it was because I wrote about it, maybe it is because Henry is getting tired or matured, but whatever the reason, the last couple of nights have been great. Each night he has come into our room once and easily goes back to bed... and that's it! It's amazing how refreshed you can feel with a solid chunk of hours.

Henry has been saying some funny things. Wish I could remember them all, but the most recent one was driving in the car. He said " I bet the clouds are saying ' no, don't get night time.'" Isn't that cute? He not only empathizes for people, but clouds too. My boy is definitely not autistic, although I could have told you this long before.

He has also been trying to negotiates more, which means he just states what he wants things to be. For example....
Me: "It's time to get in the car"
Henry: "No, it's not time to get in the car. It's time to play Wii"
Me: "Let's go"
Henry: "Okay, but after the car I get to play Wii" Then he willingly gets in the car with the expectation to play Wii later. Tricky guy. What am I supposed to do with that? Usually when we get home, he does not forget.

Gotta love him.

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