These are all the scarves I made. In total I made 10 of them. There is a boy and girl version. Both are with suiting and blue velour to make it wonderfully soft. My inspiration came from and Amy Butler pattern I noticed online (really can she do any wrong?). I didn't see the actual pattern, but only glimpses, like this one.

This is from a blog She has good inspiration. To make the scar I made 16 x 16 inch squares of stripes and then broke them down to smaller squares and rectangles. This made some continuity and helped with blocking the scarf. After that I laid all the pieces together and that was it. Unlike most projects, I was able to keep one for myself.
This is me when I was sick getting cozy with my scarf, my son and a good book. Really, what could be better?
My next projects were tablecloths for Mary. I knew I wanted to try sewing free hand (which means without a presser foot). The top one is the actual, and the bottom one is my inspiration from

Initially I tried to do everything free hand, but seemed to messy. My singer sewing machine is a good machine, but it doesn't handle embroidery thread very well and the tension gets off. Also, my hand is not steady enough. So I drew out the pattern and did a sewing machine satin stitch for the outside of the leaves and the the free style part for the veins. It worked out really well and I was happy with the final project. It is always fun trying something new.
The last project I will include is for my sister. I found place mats on (the one on the bottom) that I really liked and I wanted to make them for myself sometime. Instead of making them for me, I decided my sister might like them. They are great for little kits to know where things go. If every she is having professional people come over (not sure who qualifies for this), she can flip them over and then they are just normal place mats.
I was not the only one who made Christmas gifts in our family. Aaron sewed some great shirts for Anna, Malcolm and Luna. He posted them on facebook if you want to see. Having him sew just makes me happy.
I also made some more place mats for Ben and Leah but can't seem to find the pictures. I will post it later. This has been a photo filled post and while it looks nice, it was a pain to upload everything. Maybe I'll get used to it.
I also made some more place mats for Ben and Leah but can't seem to find the pictures. I will post it later. This has been a photo filled post and while it looks nice, it was a pain to upload everything. Maybe I'll get used to it.
Until next time.
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