Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have now reached my first major milestone. According to the medical definition, I am no longer obese, just plain overweight. Isn't that great? It seems so funny looking at me, but the American definition is much different. The medical definition is based on BMI. A normal BMI is 20-25, overweight is a BMI of 26-30 and obese is anything about 30. BMI is weight for height based and although it does have its limitations, it works for me. My final goal is to be in the normal range, but to be honest, I have never been there. Right now I am 5 pounds away from the heaviest I ever was before Henry. When I started medical school, I had a BMI of 29. I started exercising and brought it down to about 26. Then I got married, had Henry and here I am.

These last 2 weeks with a personal trainer has helped a lot. It really breaks down the monotony of exercising and it makes me feel stronger. I can already tell I can do more sit ups than before. I read somewhere that it takes at least 4 weeks to really feel a difference, so we'll see at that time.

I am also cooking more, and when I cook, I choose to do healthy foods. I am enjoying the cooking (but not the clean-up). Sometimes it is hard to think ahead for grocery shopping and preparation time, but really not too bad. I think Aaron and Henry like this new plan too. My Henry is such a great eater I never have to worry about cooking special meals for him.

My weight loss was starting to slow down, but with these two things listed above, it has kick started again. It is a great feeling of self satisfaction that I can do this, although I never really doubted it ( I am glad it is working faster than I feared) . I don't think I have as much emotional attachment to food as some and I don't really mind working out. I am in the best shape of my life and look forward to all the new things I can do.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Laura, I admire you so much for working at this, 'cause it is work! You're doing great; keep it up; I need the inspiration you provide!