I always think posts are better with pictures, but more often then not, I write this at work so cannot put as many pictures as I want. So, today I grabbed a couple from our Flickr page to include just for fun. These are from our Minneapolis trip.
Henry getting in Malcolm's face. Don't worry, Malcolm loved it. |
Frances' first twins game done in style. We got a suite and everything. |
Since we have been home from the trip, we have settled in fine with the addition of a few new things. Henry is now in preschool 3 days a week. I asked him and he says it is the perfect amount. I think Aaron agrees too. I started a beginning running club through the Kansas City Track Club (
http://kctrack.org/). Last Monday was the first meeting, and there were about 25 or so beginning runners and maybe 5-10 seasoned runners that were helpers. It was pretty easy to spot the difference. One seasoned runner told me that on average they start with 24 or so beginning runners, and at the end of 10 weeks there are usually only 4 left over. I was shocked. That is incredible, but with Americans and exercise I suppose it makes sense. I've been running on my own now for about a month or so and I was excited to see how a group run would change things. I was also looking for possible friends. Even though I got a great family here and good co-workers, I would still like some friends with similar interests. It seems that I left them all in Minneapolis. Anyway, the running group went fairly well. When we started running, I was with 2 other runners, one of them was a seasoned runner here to help out his co-worker, and one was that said co-worker. When we started running the pace was a little faster than I normally would go, but I stayed with them. The guy was a pretty good conservationist and made the run more enjoyable. At the end of the run I had to walk because I was very exhausted keeping up with them. It was a good thing I started walking because shortly after I got a page from the hospital (I was on call). I felt funny talking on my cell phone barking out doctor's orders, but it worked well enough. When I got off the phone I had to stop at a cross walk and that is when I started to feel a little sick. My stomach was pretty upset from all the exertion (and plus it was 91 degrees out that day). I found that if I kept moving, my stomach would feel a little better, so I tried not to stop until I was in my car in the air conditioning. After I got in the car I felt better and at home I was completely normal. So, all in all a pretty good night, but maybe next time I should take it a little easier.
The other thing news is that Henry starts T-ball tonight! I think Aaron's dream has finally come true. Henry really loves this sport so I will be very interested to see how he will act. I'm not sure if his excitement will conquer his shyness. I love the part of parenting where you just let them go and see what happens (and hope you've taught them enough).
Oh, and I almost forgot, I got the best birthday present ever... a new bike! I love it. I have biked to the grocery store and to work every day. It's nice being active and not driving the car. Now Henry wants a bike too. It does sound nice to have Henry and Mommy bike rides. We'll see....
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