Welcome to my first tutorial! Recently I found these great new fabric dyes called Inkodye.
http://lumi.co/ The best part of them is that they are sun sensitive. You can easily make prints of drawings and pictures right in your back yard. Being that father's day was coming up (and has since passed), I became inspired. I bought the starter set and went to work. For my father, I made him a golf towel and Aaron got a remote control holder/pillow. As you can see in these pictures, Aaron's gift was not to much a surprise, starting from when he opened the package of dyes addressed to ME. Oh well, he still reaped the benefit.
The first thing I had Henry do was to draw a picture on transparency paper. I had him draw a few to make sure one would work. The clear paper is on a pink folder in case you are wondering. |
Next we cracked open the dye and let Henry paint where ever he wanted. I will warm you, these paints have a very caustic smell. Henry didn't paint much after this picture because of the smell. It probably would have been good to open a window, but I didn't want the sunlight to come in. |
Now we placed the painted fabric on a stiff book and taped the transparency paper on top of it with clear tape |
Then we took it outside and let the magic happen. |
It was hot outside that day so we went in to take a little baby break while the dye was getting more vivid. |
Here we are, all the color is bright and finished. I brought this downstairs, took off the transparency paper and stuck it in the washer on the hot cycle. |
After it was clean and ironed, I cut the fabric and a terry cloth fabric to the same size |
I then sandwiched it together (right sides facing each other), sewed it, turned it right side out and then sewed the edges again. |
Finally I added and eyelet hole on the top and viola! Golf towel for grandpa. Henry didn't want to be in this picture, so I forced it upon him. |
With the same technique, I made a remote control holder/pillow for Aaron. You can see our whole family on this one. Henry is the far right, then next to him is Aaron (with two hearts), then me, and then Frances in the Bobby. |
Here is the backside of the pillow with custom made remote drawings by Henry. Works pretty well, doesn't it? |
So, that's the end of the tutorial. It was pretty easy to made and the details came out well. It's always so much fun to create, especially now since I have an enthusiastic 4 year old to help me with everything.
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