Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Real First Day

So, of course, Henry loved school. I had to work in the afternoon, so I didn't get the fresh details, but I have pieced them together as much as possible.

When we woke up yesterday I asked Henry if he knew what today was (he didn't). As soon as I told him it was his first day of school, he got excited and started packing his lunch (chocolate pudding and peaches). I fed him breakfast, got him dressed and left for work.

Aaron brought him to school and got there right before it was time to go it. He got a couple pictures where he is actually smiling, which for him is a big deal. He really must have been excited. Then I got a text from Aaron. "He did great. Big smile as he went in. I'm ok too."

Now things get a little sketchy. I guess in the beginning there was a microphone and they were supposed to state their name and what they like. Henry said his name and that he liked Wii (of course) and then something else. He couldn't remember what he said. Hmm. I'd be very interested to know what is up there with Wii. For now, I'll picture that he said "my mommy." After that they had activities all morning long.

When it was time to eat, Henry did a great job. He ate all of his sandwich, all of his pudding, and some gold fish. He told us that he kept saying the same thing over and over during lunch. When we asked what he said, he told us it was "I don't get it." Apparently there were kids laughing and Henry didn't know why. I would have LOVED to see this interaction. He never did figure out why the other kids were laughing.

After lunch they were supposed to go outside to the playground, but they had to check if it was raining (it was). Henry said that a boy did something funny. He said when they were checking for rain, the boy stuck out his tongue to try to get some water. Hilarious, right? Because it was raining they played inside and I guess there are little cars you can get in and play with. He and another kid played bumper cars together. Henry said that he talked a lot during the day, but only the little boy he played bumper cars with talked back.

I guess during the day there were three bathroom breaks and Henry was able to go to the bathroom all three times (big success!). Also, he said that he only needed help pulling up his pants the first time. Not bad at all.

When it was time to leave and Henry saw Aaron, I guess he gave him a big hug and a big smile.

Later I got a text from Aaron saying "He loved it! Teacher said he did great!"

I'm so proud of my little guy.

Oh, and when I got home, we watched "Wipeout" and laughed at all the guys falling down.


Aaron Stilley said...

Whoever gave this site a makeover sure did a great job!

Mary/Grammy said...

I agree, Aaron -- the banner looks awesome! Glad to hear you also did fine with the boy's first day of school.