Like all Wednesdays, yesterday I had the day off. I usually like to do something with Henry, but with all my OB appointments and my long to do lists, I haven't been very good about this.
The day started out with me taking my gestational diabetes screening test. I totally passed! I wasn't too worried, but it's nice to know my blood sugars are doing okay (especially since I just made puppy chow last night). After that test we ate lunch and headed to the Arboretum in Overland Park. I have been wanting to go there for a long time. I know Minneapolis has a great one, so I just assume all Arboretums are great. I thought I would have to pay for the Arboretum, but I just recently found out it was free, so really, nothing was holding me back.
The Arboretum is pretty far south in Overland Park but it was easy to find. It was a perfect day to be outside. It was a little cool with a nice breeze. In fact, probably my favorite temperature ever.

When we got there, we got a map and headed toward the children's area. Henry did so well the entire time. He was perfectly behaved and seemed to love all aspects of the arboretum (including the map). When we were driving home he kept looking at the map and asking me if we went to certain points on the map. I love that he loves maps and is good with directions. In fact, I love everything about him.

Thinking about this new baby inside of me makes me realize how great Henry is. I don't think I could have asked for a better kid. He is so very sweet and affectionate. He always comes up to me and gives me a big hug and tells me how much he loves me. Who wouldn't love that? I still remember sometime last year when he got clobbered by a swing. He totally got knocked down, but quickly got up and looked at me and said "I'm o-
tay mommy" and then started to cry. His first instinct was to reassure me. How sweet is that? I'm not usually a mom to brag about their son, but pardon me for a moment. My boy is smart! He has always loved books and we have always taken the time to read to him. He recognized letters early on, and now at 3 years old he can read! My guess is at about a 1st grade level or so. I love that he probably won't struggle academically. The fact that he has picked up reading so quickly makes me think he has a good memory, which will help him in all subjects. He's not just one sided though, he loves sports and being physically active. He hasn't met a sport yet that he doesn't love. How many 3 year
olds ask to play
racket ball as a reward or get sad that they can't play horse shoes? Really. Besides that, he is funny! He tries different acts out (like putting his underwear OVER his shorts) and has a couple jokes in his repertoire (what is tuba plus tuba?
FORBA). Man, I love this kid. He is everything I could have asked for. I love watching him grow up and figuring out life.

I'm sure pregnancy has me feeling more
nostalgic, so when we went to the Arboretum, I was asking myself how many of these one-on-one sessions are we going to have until the baby comes. Because of this, and how wonderful Henry is, we had a great time. We capped the afternoon off at
Dunkin' Donuts. I'm not usually a donut fan, but with this pregnancy, sugary things can't be beat. Yes, again, I am thankful I passed my glucose tolerance test, but even more
grateful for my son.
1 comment:
Love your post Laura and LOVE Henry! I am sure Baby Girl is going to be just as awesome!
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