Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Weeks

Well, another week has passed  by and look at that, my baby is now 5 weeks. She is looking more and more like a regular baby (and not a newborn). Take a look!
 You can see my foot in the picture. Oops.  Also, as you can see by the picture, we are currently using disposable diapers due to bad diaper rash. We change her diaper every time I feed her, but with her stooling so much, I guess it is not enough. We are using diaper cream and because it can coat the cloth diapers, we have to shell out some extra money (as well as throw away diapers). Too bad. Hopefully when she starts decreasing her stools this will not happen again.

Today my real life started. No, I didn't go back to work, but I had to manage both kids for a little while. You see, Aaron had the unfortunate need to have his wisdom teeth out, and it happened today.  Aaron is doing great by the way.  This morning Henry had gymnastics and I needed to take him and bring Frances along.  It went okay, but I definitely felt stressed. Everything went pretty well until Frances got hungry about 10 minutes before gymnastics was over. I tried to feed her, but I don't think I did very well. I have a drape, but I can't see her through the drape and I still need to watch her latch to make sure things are going well. Really, I needed three hands. So, I tried the best I could and we loaded back into the car. As soon as we got in the car Frances was wailing like she wanted to eat more. I was thinking I could just drive straight back and feed her at home, but after about 30 seconds I had enough and pulled into a parking lot. I fed her in the car, but I didn't have as much room as I was used to, and again the feeding didn't go so well. I kind of gave up and put her back in the car seat and drove home. Frances cried for about 50-75% of the drive.  She doesn't cry that much and I really didn't like the sound of her cry. The funny thing is that Henry didn't mind it at all. I would have thought he would. In fact, in the beginning he was mimicking her cry and it sounded like I had two crying babies in the back. Not the best thing for a mommy. Eventually we got home, I finished feeding her and all was well. Even though it was a little rough, I know I can do it. It's funny because the night before I was going over all the steps to prepare for the outing in my head. It was a big deal in my mind, but not in reality. Still, I did it and I can probably do it again if needed.

 The picture above was taken tonight. The picture below was taken when Henry was 4 months.
I didn't realize how similar they looked. Frances doesn't look like Henry at 5 weeks; he was just too scrawny. Frances chubbed up quickly.  I couldn't be prouder!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frog belly! Too cute.

As for the diaper rash here are some cloth diaper safe creams:
- coconut oil
- lanolin
- California Baby diaper cream, it is available at Target

We use these with cloth diapers and there are no issues.

And I have seen similarities between the two from the beginning, you can tell they are siblings