Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stuffing it all in

I'm really starting to feel fatigue now that I only have 1 1/2 months left.  During the work week, I come home completely exhausted and find I can get nothing done. My job isn't that physically demanding, just getting up and down, moving from room to room. Still, we've been pretty busy and I guess that's all it takes for me to feel tired. So, when I have a complete day off, I want to use it effectively as possible. My first goal for my days off is always to sleep in.  It's just so nice to wake up naturally.  

On a side note, I woke up with Henry this morning and he was so cute. He started talking to himself at about 6:15 and stayed in his bed and talked to his stuffed animals and even sang a song until about 6:45. Because of his talking and singing, it was a nice gradual wake up. I asked him what he was talking about and apparently he was waking up his stuffed animals. So great.

Anyway, yesterday I got to wake up at 9:30 and I got right to work. I find I have more energy in the morning. Besides doing a ton of laundry, Henry and I started making Christmas decorations. He loved gluing and cutting so it turned into a Henry art project and a mommy craft project.  Here he is below cutting paper and then gluing everything together.
This next picture is a half way picture. I already had colored card stock. I cut strips and then varied the length of three strips. Then I folded them in half and glued each end. Not too hard....
yet they look great!
Henry and Aaron were upstairs when I put them up and when Henry saw the decorations he literally stopped in his tracks and just looked at them all.  After some silence, I got a round of applause (who doesn't need a round of applause every now and then).
Besides crafting, I got a little baking in too. Since this pregnancy, I have been baking a ton! It's actually been a lot of fun because Henry likes it so much. A few days ago I thought I smelled Spritz cookies for a split second. Since then I have really wanted to eat them. I know it is more a Christmas cookie, but why is that? It's close to Christmas anyway. We made them and they turned out delicious. I was thinking about doubling the batch, good thing I didn't. Henry got to pick the colors, the shapes and got to press the trigger down on the cookie press. Doesn't this picture make you want to eat them too?
I wonder if I will continue to bake after the baby is born. My guess is no because I won't crave them as much and my caloric needs will be down.  Still, it has been a lot of fun. My poor Henry is going to be so disappointed after the baby comes. No sugar cereals (well maybe a little for Aaron), no cookies, no cheese-itz, no ice cream. At least he gets a baby sister out the deal. 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Those ornaments are so pretty! The cookies too; they look yummy. And that Henry knows just the right thing to do to make a mommy feel good, doesn't he?