Wednesday, November 16, 2011

33 Weeks

So, today's been a good day. I'm 33 weeks and it's all good.  I thought it would be fun to compare this pregnancy with last pregnancy. It's a little hard because I am wearing a dress now, but I'm pretty much the same size. Besides being tired, I'm doing alright. I have noticed that I am starting to waddle a little. I can stop it, but it just seems natural that my toes want to point out when I walk. I think it's the laxity in my pelvic ligaments. I also blame those ligaments for the hip pain I wake up to most days.  Really though, it hasn't been too bad.

We had a little fun at my doctor's appointment today; we got to have an ultrasound. I guess my doctor likes to take a look close to delivery to make sure the head is down and that I have enough amniotic fluid. I'm good on both counts. Her face is backwards, so although we couldn't get a good glimpse of it today, it makes labor easier. I'll take this trade-off.  We also got another surprise. Our baby has lots of hair! You can see it with this ultrasound picture. It is the fuzziness around the head. My doctor said it's a good amount and it makes me even more excited to see this little girl.  I've secretly wanted a baby with hair. I wonder if it will be dark like Aaron's.  
If that wasn't enough today, we also toured the hospital. Since we have been there last, they have started remodeling. There is a whole new labor portion with a new entrance, new elevators, and most importantly, new delivery rooms.  The big drawback is that even though the labor rooms are swanky, the mother and baby unit is just the same as when we were with Henry. About half the rooms are minuscule in size and last time we were unlucky enough to have one of those rooms. Sleeping at night was really hard. The first night Aaron tried to sleep in a reclining chair. The second night he slept in my small bed. It doesn't seem good to start off taking care of a newborn already sleep deprived.  Hopefully we can get a big room this time. Maybe less people will deliver during the holidays.  Henry took the tour with us and was a little disappointed we didn't bring our baby home. We told him next time we will.

A few days ago before bedtime, Henry told me he didn't want any other mommy. So sweet and I reciprocate that sentiment. Even if Henry has tough days, he's perfect for us and I wouldn't want any other kid.

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