Latest news: Dad and Henry went for his 6 month check-up on Monday, which went well (after the 65 minutes in the waiting room). He's up to 20lb, 6oz, which puts him in the 90th percentile! Big boy.

He's gotten to be quite the accomplished sitter (as you can see above), and is very strong at standing, as long as he has something or someone to hold on to for balance. He's tried quite a few vegetables now, and loves them all! Unfortunately he's not getting any better at sleeping through the night...the pediatrician said she's decided breast-fed boys take forever to figure it out.
You sure look good in a diaper! What kinds of thing are you chewing on lately?
Auntie J
He'll be moving a lot faster very soon. He is such a sweet, sweet baby. I just want to pick him up and hug and kiss him!
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