Henry had a solid week of amazingly good nights, but he's regressed a little bit, and is back to waking up once or twice a night. Mom is working nights five times a week right now, which might be a little confusing for him.
A second tooth has popped through on the bottom. Teething pains really weren't bad, just some extra fussiness for a couple of days. You can just make them out in this picture:
He's been off of his acid reflux medicine for several weeks now, and is symptom-free! Hooray for developed stomach sphincters.
The Target pictures still haven't come online; I'll call them tomorrow and hopefully get it straightened out. In the meantime, there's always Flickr.
Henry continues to be an amazingly good eater. We're introducing more and more vegetables, and we've yet to find one he doesn't love! I'm not sure I like the increased diaper messes with solid foods however.
Dean & Val gave us a web cam, so if you have the technology, you can get a live look at the little man. You don't need a web cam yourself to see us, just an instant messaging program. We use AOL IM with the screen name suedehead6. If you want to try it out sometime, give us a call and tell us to get online!
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