Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tennis and Such

Life is a little easier, but not perfect. Frances is sleeping in her crib and it takes less time to get her to sleep. That's an improvement right? Henry and Aaron have been sleeping upstairs some nights while I am downstairs taking care of Frances without a computer or TV (can you imagine?). I usually post at night or at work and I'm crazy busy at work with patients and putting this whole electronic medical record thing together. That leaves no time for blogging.

Ah, but now is a weekend. Things are more relaxed. Henry is busy across the table from me cutting up a receipt (have no idea why), Frances is entertaining herself on the floor and Aaron is making dinner. Pretty nice, right? Aaron is cooking because I officially gave up because I couldn't find anything to cook. According to Aaron it is either pumpkin pancakes or frozen pizza.

See, I told you so
Alright, so some other updates are in order. Frances has been developing quite fast. I feel she stays the same for 2-3 days and then starts doing new things like crazy.  A few days ago she found out she likes kissing everything. She will pick up a stuffed animal, shoe or anything else and put it to her lips and kiss it. She also kisses people and the air. Really really adorable.
Us cuddling on a cool fall morning
 The other thing she does a lot is wave. She actually waves and says "haaaa." She does it to us all the time, but also perfect strangers. I tell you, not many people can resist this.

This is Frances at the grocery store waving to everybody.
 Now this month, Henry has started a new Guess what? He loves it. It's twice a week for three weeks, but he's already made a ton of improvement. The instructor has done a good job at inching him up to playing normally.
What do you want Mom? I'm busy playing tennis.
 For instance, last session they worked on hitting the ball from a bounce with both forehand and backhand.

This is where they gave the ball a "high 5."
 Henry has liked it so much that we bought him his own tennis racket so now he can play with Daddy (if only Daddy could find his old racket).

Look at that smile on his face
Now me, well I'm still running and I want to do more, but my right knee has been bothering me. I bought new shoes a couple of days ago and so far I can't tell any difference. I saw a great video on a running website that says to use a foam roller and to build some muscle. I've been thinking I need some strength training in my routine. Now I just have to find the time. Hopefully these can help.

1 comment:

Henry said...

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmjknmbnHGY HENRY