Saturday, September 29, 2012

Getting Out

I had to work today. I always dislike working on Saturday's, but the sick need the help, so usually once I am there, I am glad I am doing it. Today was no different. There was good variety and people seemed appreciative. I don't expect that, but it always makes me feel nice when I do.  After work I was still in a good mood and I actually had a little energy. I hadn't ran since Monday and I knew I should to keep my body in shape.
This afternoon I put Frances down to sleep and I took off (after a few sips from Aaron's coffee). There is a nice little trail about 5 minutes south of us. I like running on it if I want to go longer distance. That is what I chose. After a week like mine, I wanted to do something by myself, for myself. I wanted to push my body as much as I could. In other runs, I have started listening to talk radio or music on my phone, but today I wanted silence. I wanted to be with my thoughts and be in tune with my body.
After I started running I felt really great. It seemed like my stride had become more efficient and I wasn't getting tired. I paced myself slow because I had a lofty goal. Before I got pregnant I was running frequently and the farthest distance I had gone was 8 miles. Since Frances, I had only worked up to 5. I wanted go further and push my body. I knew I had it in me and my body was responding well. No, I didn't run the whole 8 miles, but I did hit 6. When I was done, my legs felt tired but my mind was invigorated.
After I got home, I took the kids to the park, out to eat and dessert at Foos. At the playground Henry met a new friend and played with him the whole time.  I love seeing Henry's social skills in action. At dinner Frances squeezed Henry's chocolate milk into her eye. I love seeing Frances' motor skills in action (don't worry, the milk didn't phase her). Frances loved eating my apple and both Henry and my soup. Oh, and she LOVED dessert.
Here we are post dessert. Notice the Foos around Frances' mouth and milk on her shirt. Henry refused to look normal.
Even though this week was hard, we did do some normal things, like hang out on the couch.
Film looks about as groggy as I was
 Henry and I also made some dessert. This is pretty rare now with my healthy eating, but we saw it in a Whole Foods pamphlet, and I thought why not. We melted marshmallows with cinnamon and butter and added it to corn flakes. Then we cut them out and decorated them.
Henry was a great helper and gave each little guy a mouth and eyes.

It's hard to see, but they were pretty delicious, so delicious that they only lasted 2 days.
Henry came home from school and was eating them for a snack. He told Aaron to remember to leave one for me when I came home. He started eating his and then said "Well, I guess she doesn't need one." Don't worry, I got to eat the last one!

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