Monday, August 20, 2012

A Rough Night

Yesterday (actually now it is two days ago) we had a great day. We started off by finishing the first coat of paint on our bathroom. It looks pretty great, but the second coat will really help. Actually, I should probably be doing the second coat right now. But, I'm exhausted and wanted to write why.

I've been running regularly now since June and I have seen tremendous improvement. At the start of my running, I ran a 12:30-13:00 minute pace, but now I run a 10:45-11:15 pace. When I was in Minneapolis, I went for a run in the early morning. I forgot to charge my Garmin, so I took my phone with me. I only looked at my phone for distance and didn't look at the time. I turned around at about 1 1/2 miles and then tucked my phone away. It was the perfect morning, nice and cool. I barely sweat at all. The trail I ran was perfectly flat and when I was running back to my car I was getting a little bored so I ran a little faster. I was pretty exhausted at the end, but when I looked at my phone, it told me I ran 3 miles at a 9:40 pace. Isn't that amazing! That is my best run ever (even pre-baby).  I feel my body is pretty in shape and I want to challenge myself a little more. There is a half marathon in October, but I feel that is too soon, but I found another one in April. That's, what, about 7 months or so?  That gives me time to put down more miles and get even faster. It also means that I will have to learn how to run in the winter. Right now I am not too concerned because, hey, if I can run in 105 degree heat, I can certainly run in the snow, right?

Anyway, the reason I am telling all of this is because the half marathon in April also has something called the Munchin Marathon. It is for kids. They want the kids to complete 25 miles outside of the race and then on race day they "finish" the marathon by running 1.2 miles. I thought this was an amazingly clever idea and knew Henry would love it.

So, after painting our bathroom, we headed to loose park to see how Henry would do running. We took our double running stroller, and for the first time ever, Frances did amazing. It was such a relief. I guess she is finally satisfied watching everything around her.  When we went around the park, Henry would run a little and then take a break in the stroller, then run again. According to my Garmin, he ran 0.46 miles. Not too bad.  Aaron had the brilliant idea of the kids playing on the playground while we each take an individual lap. That worked perfectly and ended up being a great workout for all of us.

After running, Henry seemed a little tired and was a little more cuddly than normal. I felt good that we actually exercised him enough. When he is cooped up all day, he gets super antsy just like a dog who needs to go for a walk. Well, it turns out that wasn't totally the case. Last night we went out for Sushi and during dinner Henry kept commenting on how he felt cold. There was one time he even asked to go into the car and turn the heater on. Well, turns out he has a little bit of a fever. When ever he is sick, I try to ask him what hurts or bothers him, and usually he can't pinpoint it. Last night was no different. He did mention that when he moves his head, his neck hurts a little. My guess is that he was a little achy from the fever. Before he went to bed, we gave him some Ibuprofen and that was it.

This is such a long lead into things, but I wanted to give you an accurate description. Now bedtime. Henry goes down first, or maybe Frances. It's all convoluted in my mind.  Frances wakes up after 45 minutes. I rock her back to sleep and she wakes up in another hour. This time I feed her to sleep and go to bed myself.   I'm not sure if Frances is teething or what, but she gets up every 2-3 hours during the night. During some of those time I go into Henry's bedroom to check on him. At about 2am I note the fever is back, but he is sleeping comfortably. At 4:30 Frances wakes up. I feed her and put her in her pack-n-play, but she does not stay asleep. She starts fussing and I try to feed her to sleep but she is wide away smiling at me. I take her into the living room and try to rock her to sleep. She wants to play (I don't). I quietly let her sit on my lap and  talk.  The talking wakes up Henry at about 5:15. He is ready for the day (and still sick). I give him Motrin and tuck him in next to Aaron on my bed. At 5:30 Frances falls asleep. I put her in her crib and sleep in Henry's bed. Henry wakes up at 6:00 and wants to start the day. He comes into his bedroom and tries to turn on the light. I stop him and give him the new toy he wants to play with and let Aaron get up with him. At around 6:30 Frances starts crying again. I pick her up, she is wet. Due to all the feeding overnight, she has soaked through her diaper. I change her diaper and clothes and take her back to my room to see if she will sleep a little more. She falls asleep and we sleep to 8:00.  Such a fragmented night.

That was now two days ago and I'm feeling the sleep deprivation. I supposed one day I'll be missing all the snuggles and love that occurs during the night, but not now.  Not now.

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