Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4 Months and 2 weeks

I like my last post's title "The Garden and the Bee." I wanted this one to be as cool, but sadly it is not. All it seems like is 4 1/2 months, but oh, it is so much more than that.

First off, Frances had her 4 month shots and is growing well. It was a very low key visit since my co-worker already knows all about her. Still, it's fun to objectively see how she is doing. Today she weighed 15 pounds and 2 ounces and was 24 inches long. That places her at 50% for height and ~85% for weight. That was with a cloth diaper on, so maybe she is more 75%. I don't remember her head, but it was in the 50%.  All in all growing well. It looks like she might just be and "average" height kinda gal. At this time Henry was already taking off in the growth chart.  We'll see if she keeps up her average trend. This wouldn't be a good 4 month post without some adorable 4 month pictures.  I am happy to oblige.

With her getting older, it is becoming apparent how different she is from Henry. She is a talkative smiley girl, but always wants to be with me (Henry was fine with either one of us). It's crazy. She'll fuss when Aaron is holding her, but if I put her on my lap she is completely content just sitting there, looking at Aaron with a huge smile. I must smell good or something.  To be honest, I'm over being flattered about it. Take for instance last Sunday. There was a great show on PBS called Sherlock that just entered its second season (I highly recommend it to anyone who used to read Sherlock Holmes, Encyclopedia Brown or has a pulse). I have been looking forward to watching it for a year. So when it came on, I passed Frances to Aaron (Henry was already in bed sleeping like a good little boy). I went upstairs to watch it and the clock said 8:06.  I heard Frances fussing at 8:11. I looked at the clock because I wanted to see how long she could go without me. Five minutes, five measly minutes! The whole show Aaron and I were doing a little pass back and forth. I would get her nice and happy and then send her back to Aaron and then he would get her nice and fussy and toss her back to me (not literally).  Since I have been at work now for 1 1/2 months, you would think she would get over it, right?

Now to the 2 week part of my post. I wrote a little bit ago that I would be eating clean for 2 weeks. Well, I basically did that and it went pretty good. I'm going to be honest and say it didn't make me feel to much different as far as energy level or mood or things like that, but I was happy that I was doing it. I do think that it has changed my taste buds and it has me craving more healthy things. I no longer crave surgery things. The perfect snack for me is now plain greek yogurt with honey and blueberries.  What? I like plain yogurt now (well with honey)? In my mind, it is the perfect diet, the way we are supposed to eat. I was glad I was able to stick to it. I think it has taught me a lot. I am going to continue eating all the fruits and veggies that I have been doing and will still try to cook clean meals. I have learned that I love steel cut oatmeal in the morning and have learned some very good recipes (moroccan chicken with lentils and veggie burgers with sweet potato and quinoa to start). This change is good for my family and even though our grocery bill has gone up because of the produce, it simplifies grocery shopping a lot.

It's so weird not buying packaged food in the grocery store, weird but good.

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