Me being pregnant and all, I was hoping I could minimize my costume and just wear a white t-shirt and call it good. Well, that's not exactly what happened. Partially because Henry is also a storm trooper and partially because I got inspired, I now have a full costume (minus the mask because Henry doesn't want anyone to wear masks). My costume started out with a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants. Aaron looked at a storm trooper picture and sketched the black parts on the costume, then I painted it all. As you can see, I look pretty scary.
As for myself, I think I'm feeling pretty good. Last week I had a cold and was zapped of all energy. This week I feel healthy and the energy came back. It has been really nice since Aaron has been a little under the weather and Henry has been as active as ever. I'm still able to walk to work most days, but at the end of the walk my lower belly aches a little. My nurse at clinic gets worried when I walk because I walk "too fast." I like staying at least a little active. It makes me believe getting in shape again won't be such an uphill battle later.
I had my OB appointment today. After I peed in a cup I went to the waiting room and I heard an announcement for my doctor to go to the hospital for a delivery "now." His nurse came out and asked if I heard the announcement and if I could wait. She guessed it would be about 45 minutes, but really, it could be a lot longer if things didn't go smoothly. I told her I would rather not, and then asked her if we could just do the appointment ourselves. I mean, 29 weeks, they don't do much. They check the urine for protein, take my weight, blood pressure, measure fundal height (the size of the uterus) and listed to the baby's heartbeat. I have done all those things in medical school. She said she could do the doppler, but had never measured the fundal height before. I told her I could help and we did it. It was kinda fun and our measurements were right on target. I told her to call me if my doctor wanted anything else and I would come back. He never called, so I think we did a good job. It was kinda fun. I see him back in 2 weeks so it's not an overly important visit.
We'll see what he has to say in a few weeks.
Oh, and by the way, since Henry has started planning this birthday party, he has also extended it to his next birthdays. My favorite is a Zelda party when he turns 18. I can't wait to see it!
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