So, I know. I haven't written in a long long time (really since May??). There has been a reason. Before, I didn't want to write on this blog what has been occupying my mind, but now I guess it's alright. You can tell my the name of the post that I'm having another baby. I always want to be practical and want to wait and tell people until I know everything good and fine and nothing bad will happen. I guess I can never guarantee this, but so far, so good.
It's funny because these last few months I have been looking for blogs about pregnancy and staying in shape and really I could have just written one myself. So, I guess I should recap how I'm doing.
The first few weeks after finding out I was doing great. I was exercising my normal amount and I even played basketball up until 7-8 weeks pregnant (by the way, my team took 4th place out of 8 total teams). At about 6 weeks I started feeling nauseous. At first it hit me pretty hard, harder than I ever remember with Henry. It was like my body was working on new rules and no one told me these rules. For instance, I had to eat something in the morning right away whether I felt like it or not (usually I didn't), I couldn't ever drink something and eat something at the same time. I needed to eat something every few hours whether I felt like it or not (again usually not). Lastly, my body hated the prenatal vitamins. I ended up taking them at night and then feeling sick but then going to sleep. There was some bad times during this. I remember one day coming home from work at lunch and just feeling miserable. I was force feeding myself some fruit and I could barely eat a hand full and I was done. I trudged back to work feeling even worse. After I understood the rules, things got a little better. I should also say that throughout this, I never puked, so I guess I should feel fortunate or something (right?).
After about a month things calmed down. I was able to drink and eat at the same time and mornings weren't so bad. I still took the vitamins at night and they still made me sick, but otherwise things were okay. Today, I'm almost normal. There are a few times I feel sick if I don't eat something soon enough in the morning and it occurs randomly at night, but this is improving.
The interesting thing is I don't ever remember it being that bad with Henry. Maybe because I was so excited with Henry and so busy with Medical School that I failed to notice the sickening feeling in my stomach, but I highly doubt it. I do remember carrying string cheese in my pocket for when I didn't feel right, but usually that helped and I was off doing what I was supposed to (mainly following residents).
I don't quite know why this is, but it probably is a good sign that this little baby is healthy inside of me. I can accept that now that things are letting up, but it wasn't fun.
Well that's enough for now. Next post I'll maybe talk about Henry some (he's had a busy summer) or how I'm trying to stay in shape with this pregnancy.
Until later
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