Yesterday was a beautiful day. When I came home from work I went to our backyard with Henry. For a while we just watched the birds. I wanted to go running and Henry was clinging to me and told me he didn't want to go. He gets this way sometimes, especially after weekends where he is used to having me around all the time. I asked him if he wanted to go running with me, and he enthusiastically said yes. Rob and Jenny
graciously let us use their running stroller (again). We went to Loose Park. I fully expected Henry to run for a couple minutes and then get in the stroller, but I was curious how far he would want to run. We did some pre-run stretches (see above) and we were off. Henry did great. He would run for a couple of minutes and then take a drink of water and be off again. Every time we started running, we would have to get into the running stance and Henry would say "on your mark, get set, go!" Although, toward the end he started getting silly and said "peanut butter," "poop" or "pickles" instead of "go." I was so impressed, my boy ran 0.9 miles before he took a break. After that he played on the playground a little, then I pushed him in the stroller while I ran, then we walked together and went home. A perfect night where everything was right.
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