1. Henry comes out to me "I don't remember the last time I gave you a hug so I want to do it." Check. Now back to bed.
2. "Mom, I forgot to tell you something." "I forgot to tell you about Jupiter and it's a long long way and it has glass and there is a goat there. A baby goat." Okay, now back to bed.
3. "Mom, I want to give you two hugs." Hmmm, now I'm on to you boy. No more

Last Tuesday's ice skating was a success. Henry was excited that Poppy was going to be there. When we got to the rink Jim was not yet there and Henry was a little anxious and did not want to start until Poppy was there. Luckily Poppy came before everything started and it was a non-issue.
Henry did really well. Initially he grabbed a hold of the instructor's hand, but then he started doing more and more by himself. He was a bit slower than the other 3 and never lifted his feet off the ice, but it was a great improvement. We remembered the gloves this time and he wasn't afraid to fall (although he still needed help getting up). He had a lot of fun and is excited for next week. I am also. His improvement is so visible, and that makes it fun.
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