Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Back Home Again
I took a couple days off last week and went to Minnesota. It was a lot of fun, but it always goes way too fast. Whenever I go up, I make a mental plan of all the things I want to do, but I never get it done. There is just too much fun to be had in Minnesota. It makes me miss it, well almost all of it. Two days before we went up, I was running outside in temperatures of 80 degrees, then we went to Minnesota and was greeted by snow and more snow. I do not miss that. It is supposed to be spring. We did so much, but the highlights were seeing little Lottie McCabe, a Mall of America extravaganza and seeing Michelle. I do want to point out that my little Henry went on a roller coaster and loved it! That makes me so happy and excited for when he gets bigger. Because of travel, I wasn't able to exercise they way I wanted. This week I only ran about 10 miles, and I did half of the circuit training that I normally do. I like reading exercise blogs but sometimes I get frustrated when I read that a women is getting mad at herself because she can't run an 8:00 minute mile or didn't do the distance she wanted. I think to myself, don't they realize how good they are now, and how they are still doing and incredible feat? I need to take that opinion of myself. So I won't complain. That was the best I could do.
Yesterday Henry got a hair cut. It is always a dramatic difference. He looks, like 5 years older. He didn't want a hair cut and he wasn't very happy when the lady started spray his hair down, but once she started cutting, he would catch himself in the mirror and smile He seemed oblivious that I was watching which made it all the more adorable. Here Henry is drinking hot chocolate after playing baseball at the park. Henry loves running the bases. Today when Aaron was the pretend batter and he was the pretend catcher, Aaron hit the ball and took off running. I guess Henry was jealous so he started running the bases too. So cute! Excited for the weekend, no work and a Royals Prospect game. We haven't been back to Kaufman stadium since Henry had a melt down because of the fireworks. We went and bought him some ear plugs and he said he is ready to try again. I'll let you know how it goes

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My Sweet Henry-boy

In other news, Henry made a great improvement ice skating yesterday. We went with Grammy and we all skated. He fell right away (on purpose) and was able to get up all by himself. It was great. He did this over and over again and was able to get up each time. He was quite happy about it. His last skating session is tonight. It was fun to watch him, but I think we will switch back to gymnastics for a little while.
Yesterday I ran around Lakewood. It was very hilly, hot and exhausting. I think I need to learn how to pace myself on hills. I accidentally left my garmin watch on as we were driving home so I heard a little beep, then another, then another. Whoops. I apparently had a great pace the last few mile being 1:30 minute mile. So disregard that part (although it did give me a great mile average).
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I love running outside. It's great. I don't need any music, I just enjoy passing by things and watching everything around me. Yesterday it was raining and I had to run on the treadmill. It was so boring and there was nothing on TV. I ended up watching Jersey Shore. Uggh. Those people have no sense of responsibility or integrity. Oh well.
Today I ran outside. I had to round at the hospital and I had a lunch date with Aaron's folks so I squeezed it in the middle. Originally I was supposed to run 8 miles, but I knew I didn't have the time. Once I got there I realized I could only do about 3 miles before I needed to get home, so I just ran. The first mile I amazed myself with a 9:40 pace. That got my hopes up. One of my goals is to run a 5K at an under 10:00 pace. It seems far fetched, but I thought maybe I could try it today. The second mile I had to back off a little because of a large hill. The second mile was finished at 10:40 and I thought oh well, maybe not today. But I really wanted this goal, so I picked up the pace. It was there that I felt great. I felt tall with perfect running form. With each step I could feel my muscles reacting and pushing forward. This was what it was supposed to be like. I kept pushing toward the end and finished with a 9:30 miles. So..... my average was 9:57 for 3 miles !!! This is so great. I didn't think I would do it so soon. If I run a 5K I have no doubt I could keep running for 0.1 more miles.
I have said this before, but I say it again. It is really fun watching my body respond and improve with all of my training.
On another note, I actually bought running shorts. Even before Henry I never wore shorts much unless it was extremely hot. A couple weeks ago I wore a dress and didn't feel self conscious at all with my legs. After running outside in the hot, I realized I needed shorts. I bought two pair. The first one rides up my legs a little, but the other one is perfect. I will wear them. I've made a big mental step here which is just as important as my physical ones.
Today I ran outside. I had to round at the hospital and I had a lunch date with Aaron's folks so I squeezed it in the middle. Originally I was supposed to run 8 miles, but I knew I didn't have the time. Once I got there I realized I could only do about 3 miles before I needed to get home, so I just ran. The first mile I amazed myself with a 9:40 pace. That got my hopes up. One of my goals is to run a 5K at an under 10:00 pace. It seems far fetched, but I thought maybe I could try it today. The second mile I had to back off a little because of a large hill. The second mile was finished at 10:40 and I thought oh well, maybe not today. But I really wanted this goal, so I picked up the pace. It was there that I felt great. I felt tall with perfect running form. With each step I could feel my muscles reacting and pushing forward. This was what it was supposed to be like. I kept pushing toward the end and finished with a 9:30 miles. So..... my average was 9:57 for 3 miles !!! This is so great. I didn't think I would do it so soon. If I run a 5K I have no doubt I could keep running for 0.1 more miles.
I have said this before, but I say it again. It is really fun watching my body respond and improve with all of my training.
On another note, I actually bought running shorts. Even before Henry I never wore shorts much unless it was extremely hot. A couple weeks ago I wore a dress and didn't feel self conscious at all with my legs. After running outside in the hot, I realized I needed shorts. I bought two pair. The first one rides up my legs a little, but the other one is perfect. I will wear them. I've made a big mental step here which is just as important as my physical ones.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Stella Pixie Hat
I haven't been knitting in ages. When Ashley's baptism was coming up, I immediately jumped at the idea of knitting her a hat. I knew it was going to be this hat, the Stella Pixie Hat (if you google it I am sure you will find it). It is just so cute with the little point at the top of the had. I slightly modified it with strings and tassels instead of a band and a button. Here you can see Monkey and Nunni modeling the hats. You'll notice there are two. Well, Ashley's cousin was baptised too and I couldn't let him get jealous now, could I?
Here is the side view of the hats. This was a fun knit. I recommend it for all!
In other news, I made it to my second goal. I am now officially at my heaviest pre-baby weight. Seems a funny goal, but now all the numbers on the scale are familiar territory. To celebrate this, I ran 7 miles! Yup, you heard me right. I took my great new watch outside and ran. It was a really nice run, but my watch died at the end and it started to get cold. It was a funny feeling, my core was the perfect temperature, my head was hot and my hands were freezing! During this run I ran at a heart rate in the 170's. Even though this sounds high, I think my body is supposed to run at that. According to a lot of this on-line info, this would be the all-out sprinting heart rate, but it must not be for me because I wasn't breathing very hard, and, um, I ran 7 miles! How could I sprint 7 miles. I'm having fun experimenting with my watch and learning what different paces and heart rates feel like. It almost makes running like a video game. Almost.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
My new gift
This year our taxes gave us quite a refund. When money is not planned for, it sometimes feels like free money. Aaron had the brilliant idea of each of us picking a gift for ourselves and saving the rest. I've had my eye on this GPS watch for a while, So, I bought this great watch, the Garmin Forerunner 405CX. When the watch came, the weather was cold, but today was the first nice day, so I took advantage.
I ran on the Indian Creek Trail and it was great. The watch is truly amazing, and I had a good run. You can see all of my data in the tab to the right (sorry that it doesn't fit properly). I'm pretty happy about the under 10 minute 4th mile. The only thing that has me a little concerned is my heart rate. It stayed pretty high the whole time. I started at a heart rate of 73, and in 45 seconds I was at 160. That was the lowest all run. It seems a little confusing because I felt good and in the beginning I would have been able to hold a conversation. I'm not sure why this happens, but I'll keep monitoring it to see if it improves.
So, check out my run to the right.
I ran on the Indian Creek Trail and it was great. The watch is truly amazing, and I had a good run. You can see all of my data in the tab to the right (sorry that it doesn't fit properly). I'm pretty happy about the under 10 minute 4th mile. The only thing that has me a little concerned is my heart rate. It stayed pretty high the whole time. I started at a heart rate of 73, and in 45 seconds I was at 160. That was the lowest all run. It seems a little confusing because I felt good and in the beginning I would have been able to hold a conversation. I'm not sure why this happens, but I'll keep monitoring it to see if it improves.
So, check out my run to the right.
Hanky Falls
Two days ago Henry had his third skating lesson. Again, he was very excited to do it and this time both Grammy and Poppy came. He started off pretty well. He is still the slowest in his class, but he may be picking up speed. His real problem is that he will not march like the teacher says, but will only make baby scoots. Oh well.
The one thing he did do differently this week was fall, and fall and fall. AND, one time he got up all by himself!!! The rest of the time he would try to get up, fail and then wait on the ice until his teacher helped him up. Oh, and I forgot to mention, all of these falls were on purpose.
Every week a little bit better....

Friday, March 4, 2011
Just look for yourself.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Sleepy Time
I'm sitting outside Henry's room at bedtime; his creative stalling tactics are quite amusing (and are working).
1. Henry comes out to me "I don't remember the last time I gave you a hug so I want to do it." Check. Now back to bed.
2. "Mom, I forgot to tell you something." "I forgot to tell you about Jupiter and it's a long long way and it has glass and there is a goat there. A baby goat." Okay, now back to bed.
3. "Mom, I want to give you two hugs." Hmmm, now I'm on to you boy. No more

Last Tuesday's ice skating was a success. Henry was excited that Poppy was going to be there. When we got to the rink Jim was not yet there and Henry was a little anxious and did not want to start until Poppy was there. Luckily Poppy came before everything started and it was a non-issue.
Henry did really well. Initially he grabbed a hold of the instructor's hand, but then he started doing more and more by himself. He was a bit slower than the other 3 and never lifted his feet off the ice, but it was a great improvement. We remembered the gloves this time and he wasn't afraid to fall (although he still needed help getting up). He had a lot of fun and is excited for next week. I am also. His improvement is so visible, and that makes it fun.
1. Henry comes out to me "I don't remember the last time I gave you a hug so I want to do it." Check. Now back to bed.
2. "Mom, I forgot to tell you something." "I forgot to tell you about Jupiter and it's a long long way and it has glass and there is a goat there. A baby goat." Okay, now back to bed.
3. "Mom, I want to give you two hugs." Hmmm, now I'm on to you boy. No more

Last Tuesday's ice skating was a success. Henry was excited that Poppy was going to be there. When we got to the rink Jim was not yet there and Henry was a little anxious and did not want to start until Poppy was there. Luckily Poppy came before everything started and it was a non-issue.
Henry did really well. Initially he grabbed a hold of the instructor's hand, but then he started doing more and more by himself. He was a bit slower than the other 3 and never lifted his feet off the ice, but it was a great improvement. We remembered the gloves this time and he wasn't afraid to fall (although he still needed help getting up). He had a lot of fun and is excited for next week. I am also. His improvement is so visible, and that makes it fun.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I realize I haven't commented about how I am doing with my exercise goals for a while. Sorry. I guess I had a set back, but nothing major. About 2 1/2 weeks ago my right knee started bothering me. It was right during the time I started pushing the running more. I ran 7 miles and then I ran a fast 4 miles, then pain. I knew it was runners knee. The annoying part about it, is that it never hurts that bad when I run so I never want to stop. Then afterwards the achy pain occurs all the time. The real bothersome part would be at night when I would turn my body around, the pain would wake me up.

So, I took about a 2 week break from running. I did the elliptical machines and the bike. Both are not as gratifying as running, but it was something. I also told my trainer and we did some strengthening exercises. After about 1 1/2 weeks, I noticed no change in the pain, which was really frustrating. So, I went to the running store I got my shoes at and they were very very helpful. They looked at my shoes and told me they were great shoes for me and did not need to be replaced. They also watched me walk and felt like I over pronated once my foot was on the ground. I agree with them. They recommended some foot inserts and I bought them. The next day I ran 3 miles with no problems what so ever! I didn't want my hopes to get up and didn't want to psych myself out, but really, it was amazing. So now I have run a couple times and still feel good. I do feel I have to catch up a little bit on the running, but it isn't that bad.
My training sessions have been going great. About every other week he comments how fast I am improving. It makes me think I have super human strength. I like hearing that. I have definitely seen results. When I flex my arms now I see a little bump up on top and a crease in the middle (how exciting!). I like feeling strong, in fact, that is my mantra. When I am lifting weights and it is starting to get hard, in my mind I tell myself "I am strong." It seems silly, but it works. If I would have thought about it more, I would have tried to make a more creative mantra, but it just happened without thought.

Here's a picture Aaron took for me. You can see for yourself. Maybe a little more impressive in my head....
Tonight is Henry's second skating lesson. Excited to see how it goes. We went skating last Saturday and he has already improved. I am hoping he will be more independent instead of holding the instructors hands. I'll let you all know.
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