• Henry's favorite new acquisition is a computer keyboard on loan from Uncle Rob & Aunt Jenny. He played with it when we were over at their house for awhile, but didn't notice that it was coming home with us. When I handed it to him at home, he was over the moon...put his hands over his mouth and oohed and aahed. He loves to type on it, just like Mom & Dad.
• Another new acquisition is a little plastic toilet. We're still a ways off from serious toilet training, but we thought we could introduce him to it...he thinks it's funny to sit on it.
• I made it to Henry's last swimming lesson, and man did he have fun, as you can see in the pictures I took.
• The King has enjoyed visits to see Aunt Jenny, Great-Grandma Stilley and 2nd cousin Luna recently (and of course Grammy twice a week!). We're looking forward to a visit from Grandma Val & Grandpa Dean the last weekend of June.
• He's learned to put his hands up in the air and say, "I don't know!" which just cracks me up.
• Going out in public with him is a bit of a challenge right now, since he is so energetic and mobile and doesn't want to be tied down or sit still too long. Takes a lot of work to keep him content!
• I finished reading a new book titled The Daddy Shift that is about stay-at-home dads, bread-winning moms and changes in gender roles as it relates to parenting. It's a very enjoyable and thought-provoking read. I've really never felt like we're doing something so crazy with our arrangement, but the book made me consider just how recent of a phenomenon it is that couples would even consider the dad staying at home. It isn't strange to me that dads are taking on more of the parenting...it's strange to me that dads would have ever not been very involved. The book has given me a slightly new perspective on being a dad, though I don't really know how to articulate it. It did make me want to be a better dad.
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