Things are a little slow at work right now, so I thought I would post an update, even though I'm working over 70 hours a week and Aaron is really the one who spends most of the time with Henry, yet I'm the one who actually writes these.
hmmmmmOk, enough passive aggression. Henry is doing great. It's really interesting seeing him with all of these little babies around and seeing how he interacts.
Instinctually he seems to know that he has to be gentle and I really think he likes babies, or at least is curious about them. It's so cute hearing him say "baby Anna" or "baby Malcolm" or "baby Luke." So many babies! This has also really shown me how much he has grown. We've moved on from the baby sitting portion of our lives to the interaction segment. We're all about doing, and these are the things he likes:
1. Piano playing- okay I'm partial here, but when ever I play piano he comes running. Usually he'll sit on my lap and with perfect hand curvature and pound on the piano. Sometimes he'll say "A B C," and then I'll hold his finger and we'll play the alphabet song together. My mother's
Raffi book has been a staple at our household. He loves "Their Came a Girl From France" and "Here Sits a Monkey." If I'm
luckily I'll get him to sing and dance. If I'm unlikely, he'll say "I do I do" and pull my hands off the piano and play his version of the song.
2. Try to get the
tv- Henry is pretty smart. His favorite thing is the TV and
unfortunately for him (but not for us) it is a little too high for him to easily press. He puts all his stuffed animals, pillows and now couch cushions in front of the
tv so he can climb up and push a button. It's a long process and usually he slides down the mountain before achieving his goal, but it's still fun. I'm not so sure I like this game. One night when he was tired, he hit his head on the entertainment center door nobs TWICE. Right in the same spot! For a few days you could see the knob's leafy imprint on his forehead.
3. Books -he still can't get enough of them. Sometimes I catch him reading to himself. It's just so cute. I especially like reading the Elmo doctor book to hom. He likes the parts where Elmo gets examined from head to toe. Sometimes I'll bring out my stethoscope and make things even more real.
Wii sports- So now that he is almost 2 he is really starting to want things his way. What he always wants now is
wii sports (bowling and boxing). He just carries the
wii remote all over the house and keeps trying to get us to play until we are warn down. I admit, after being with him for a full day, I did give in. The funny thing is that once we start playing, he doesn't even seem that into it. Oh well, his insistence reminds me that more temper tantrums are coming up. Right now they are still very cute. He usually whines and puts his head in his hands. I'm sure
that'll change.
5. Waking up with mama - I'm on impatient which means I'm supposed to be in the hospital at 6:30. I've been waking up every day from 5:20-5:40 and almost every day little Henry wakes up with me. He's so cute with his messy hair and his eyes straining as he says "mommy?" I guess this is our time together. Today he woke up 10 minutes before my alarm. I'm a little worried about next month when I don't have to be at work until 9. Sounds like a job for Aaron, doesn't it?
So those are the things he likes. He still isn't liking the potty or diaper changes or things like that. I was hoping for that stuff sooner rather than later, but I shouldn't complain, he's a pretty great kid.
Ok, maybe next time Aaron will update