Nights are going well I think - Laura pretty much deals with the nights on her own now, so I don't always know how they go, but I'm pretty sure he's just waking up once to feed, and only after having been asleep for 6-8 hours. He did have a solid week where he wasn't waking up at all during the night, but he's gone back to wanting one feeding.
He had his 9-month checkup a week ago, so we got to check his growth progress. He's still a big boy: 24lb 10oz, which puts him around the 95th percentile. I can't remember what his height was, but he jumped from the 50th to 70th percentile since his 6-month checkup.
Grandma Val has been visiting for a whole week, and Grandpa Dean came down for last weekend. It's been a great time; Henry loves having a full house. Grandma & Grandpa seem to like being around Henry OK too.
I love reading these blog updates! Also, I can vouch for Henry's general cheerfulness these days -- he smiles, laughs & babbles much of the time. It seems to me he's happiest when an adult lets him hold their fingers while he walks wherever he wants to walk. He does like to eat -- even had eggplant casserole Monday evening!
Another note to say: Grandpa Dean brought a Minnesota Twins outfit for Henry, and dressed him in it for the Twins/Royals game last Saturday. That brought disapproval from the K.C. Royals fans in the family, but it WAS awfully cute on him. Grandma Val has been teaching Henry to play the piano. :-)
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