We have been working really hard to keep Henry from having accidents. I truly believe he has problems feeling the urge to go until it's too late, but that is beside the point. We have a sticker chart reward system and as of two days ago, he filled the chart up. As a reward he got to go bowling (his choice). When we were up at the counter the lady who was taking our money was talking about Henry and referred to him as a "her." Excuse me? Really?
You see, I have no problems with Henry being called a girl. For a while when he was a baby, his hair was curly and thin. I expected it really, but now, with his sleeveless t-shirt, short hair and manly demeanor (okay this one might be a stretch)? Hmmm. Ok, fine, I'll take it.
After the lady called Henry a "her," I wasn't sure how to proceed. I knew Henry needed shoes and a ball. Should I call him Henry, or him or even her to spare the lady's feelings? In the end I pointed to Henry and said "his shoe size is a 12." At that point she brought out the big men's size 12. I guess she thought I was talking about Aaron. So, my polite attempt not not embarrass her didn't work. She had to take them back and get the little kiddie shoes and then had to admit to herself that she guessed wrong. Really, I don't think she cared much, but it's interesting that it happened now. The above photo was take right after bowling. Not too girly, right?
In other news, my pregnancy has started to slow down to almost a creep. I feel like I've been 21 weeks forever. This seems so strange because the first 4 1/2 months just flew by. I have a few thoughts on this. My first thought is that all the big things I was looking forward too are past (like the ultrasound and vacation in Minnesota). Now instead of looking at a few weeks, I'm looking more at the big picture (only 4 more months to go). Also, these last few weeks everyone has told me I have "popped out." I suppose this is a good thing, but that and the fact that little swordfish (our affectionate term for the baby) is moving around a ton, makes me always conscious of her.
It's like I can't forget about things. On top of that, we have bought absolutely NOTHING for this kid. I think it's time. We really don't need that much, just a dresser, cloth diapers and some hand me down clothes. Still, we need to get organized. Henry's room currently has his bed, a crib and his toys all over the place. I'm not sure how everything is going to fit. I just want to rearrange it and organize it now so I know things will work out. Once in a while I try to get organized, but usually it is just small things like a craft room or a closet or a bathroom. I feel like to get ready for this baby I need to do a whole house take down. Talk about exhausting. I've been looking a little on-line for tips, but really I think I just need to do it.
On top of that, I know a lot of people getting married and I'm trying to sew them some fantastic wedding gifts.
Usually what happens is that I know I should sew, cook, clean or organize, but I don't. I sit and play with Henry and then go to bed thinking about everything I should have done. Maybe one day I'll do it all.