Thursday, May 5, 2011
Last week Aaron came with to gymnastics and brought the camera. The pictures aren't too bad considering how dark it is in there.
This is a skinny balance beam and Henry did great on it. He even jumped over small stuffed animals.
Henry's new thing
Yesterday Henry did something he's never done before, and well today he did it again. Let me set the scene.
Yesterday I woke up, took Henry to the bathroom and got him dressed. I let him play upstairs while I made breakfast. When breakfast was ready he came down and started to sit on the bench, but his shorts were twisted. I went to straighten them and noticed they were inside-out. How strange, I thought. I don't remember putting them on inside-out. So, I pulled them down to switch them around, but then I noticed he wasn't wearing underwear. Now I know I put underwear on. I asked him where they were and he said in the upstairs bathroom and he took them off before pooping... um what? I woke up Aaron to clean any mess left on Henry and went upstairs to visualize the mess. I expected poo all over, but when I got upstairs, it was only in the toilet and his clean underwear was laying on the ground. That was it. Aaron had to wipe his bottom and that was it. Wait, so, when did my boy start getting independent?
This morning we had the same routine. I went upstairs to iron my skirt (yes I really did ironing), and I noticed the bathroom door was slightly ajar. I looked at Henry and noticed his shorts were on backwards. I went to the toilet and again saw what I did yesterday. I took him downstairs to wipe his bottom and again that was it.
I guess it is good that he is doing things on his own, but really, could he have picked something else to do?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The end of soccer
Looking back, my last post was April 21st. I guess we've been busy, or I've been preoccupied. I suppose those kind of things always happen.
Last night Henry had his fourth and final soccer game. Watching the game, Aaron and I realized that one month of soccer is probably enough. Henry had a great time, but he seemed, a little, um distracted. He would run around, occasionally kick the ball, but mostly he seemed to to do what he wanted to do. Sometimes this consisted of fake punching kids, or getting into a defense stance and just staying there, but mostly just standing and watching the game around him. It has been interesting because the in all the practices and the first couple games, he was really focused into playing. I guess the novelty wore out and he found out he could goof off a little. I wasn't anticipating Henry to do this. I tried to encourage him off the field, but that didn't really help. He did fine and had fun, so I guess that is the most important thing. After the game they all got metals and Henry loves his. So, we now have his first metal and a soccer ball, pretty good for one month's play. The YMCA also has a basketball league this summer. I haven't completely decided if I want to do this, although I know Henry would love it.
Also last night, I had another basketball game. It is always so much fun, but I do feel like I am in "The Fight Club." Every time I come home with a little injury. The first game I hurt my ankle a little (my ankle was better in 2 days), the second game I fell on my hand and it was badly bruised, and this game I fell on the floor a lot and have a rug-burn type thing on my knee as well as a bruise. I'm going to have to wear a lot of tights this summer if I want to wear a skirt. Still, totally worth it. I had a lot of fun this game although we lost. Our opponents had 3 people over 6 foot, and we had none. I was playing a post against these guys. Not quite a fair match. Early on I was taking outside shots, but they would block it. Later when we were loosing I was getting more competitive, I just drove inside and shot and got fouled. Twice they knocked me to the ground and I got free throws. I did really well on my free throws (75%). In total I got about 5 points, 1 foul and maybe about 6 rebounds. So much fun! Next week is a 6:30 pm game, so Henry and Aaron get to come. I wonder what Henry will think....
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