After we ran our 5K our goal was done. I hoped I wouldn't slack up, and so far so good. It always nice to have a goal. I want to stay in shape, but that isn't very definable. Still this week I managed to get myself to the gym quite often (and once where I really didn't want to go).
Today I ran 4 miles and feel quite great. My knees aren't sore and my body doesn't feel tired. It is nice to go this distance, but it can get pretty boring on a treadmill. I was watching a dumb movie with Jennifer Garner where her fiance dies and she falls in love with his best friend. Definitely a girly movie and not my type, but it was the best on (sorry to anyone out there that likes this movie). Toward the end of my run I just stared at the numbers. That's why outside is so much better. It is starting to get more cold here, but still no snow (which means I could still rake the leaves). I theoretically could run outside, but I can't get myself to do it.
With running, I am still a slow runner but I can go for longer periods of time. I am trying to decide if I should try to get faster or just keep going for distance and the speed will improve as I do. Not sure what one is the right one. hmmm.
This week and last week I've been battling a cold. I think it might finally be over. What a relief. When I go into patients room and cough and have a runny nose, it doesn't seem right. Also, it's tiring. Speaking of work, it's been quite a busy week. This was my first official week to start rounding at the hospital for the newborns. It was kinda fun but I had to wake up early. I got to do some circumcisions, and that is always great for me (I'm not being sarcastic). Even in the clinic it has been crazy. I think everyone now has the colds, ear infections, asthma flares, etc. I guess that is good business for me, right?
This week I also officially started making Christmas gifts. I am very excited about how they are turning out. Wish I could post a picture, but that would ruin it for some. I will just say that my sewing machine is NOT getting rusty. Last year I had to buy a new sewing machine and I really love the one I bought. I am starting to notice some small problems, but hopefully it will not affect things too much. The best part of my machine is the one touch threader. It makes life so much easier. I have a philosophy about sewing. It is not really about the actual sewing, but all the other things and how you trouble shoot. Every project inevitably has a problem, and it is how you fix that problem that makes you a seamstress. Case in point. I made Henry some corduroy pants that were to big in the waist. Had to do several alterations on the waist but it worked out.
Well my battery is low so I better end it.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Our First 5K
I am going to have to apologise. I want to include a picture, but we did not take any and the formal pictures are not yet taken, so for the time being, this blog will be pictureless.
Well, I reached my goal. Yippee!! (I added an extra exclamation point just for fun).
About 3 months ago when residency ended, I knew I wanted to get into shape. I found the perfect goal a couple months ago. Now, I want to remind you that before this, I really wasn't doing any exercising. Slowly I've gotten in shape and it has been not too hard on my system. It has been really amazing to watch my body get in shape.
I didn't want this post to be about what I have been doing for the last 3 months (how boring is that?), but I did want to tell people where I've come from. But back to the race. When I signed up for the race, I didn't think too much that it would be in November in Minneapolis. Maybe if I did, I would have canceled, but I didn't. When I say "I", I actually me Aaron and myself. I signed him up too and he has been training like me. So we signed up and bought all of our cold weather gear.
On the day of the race, it was really cold (an understatment). We had our gear and were ready to go. I knew the race was popular, but I did not expect the amount of people that was there. The Star Tribune said a few thousand. When the race started it took almost 4 minutes to get to the start line. Once we got there, we started running. Quickly I felt nice and warm and the weather wasn't an issue. The crowd, however, was. There was no way you could run a fast race. The whole time Aaron and I were weaving back and forth passing people (and getting passed), We had a nice and easy pace, which in retrospect was kinda nice. It was an easy 5K that I thoroughly enjoyed. We took about 38 minutes total, but we ran the whole thing. Quite a lovely day.
Henry got his own race. Inside the Target Center there was a fitness center and they had kids activities. We signed Henry up and there was a race for him to run. It was 1 time around a track, which I was told was less than 1/4 of a mile. Before the race, Henry has expressed interest in running races, but the last race he could have ran, he froze. I really wanted to see him run (or at least try), but we were too late. My parents saw it and this is their report.
All of the 3 and 4 year olds lined up on a line. Henry lined up about 5 feet behind the line and got on all 4s in his starting position. When they said "go" he took off. He was in the outer lane and stayed completely in his lane the whole time. He ran a leisurely race and finished. He told me he won, and he did, but so did all the 20 or so kids that finished before him. He did a great job.
For Aaron and I, this is only a start. I'm not sure what our next goal is, but we'll find it. There is a 4 mile race in Brookside in the spring and multiple 5Ks all around. Right now I am focusing on adding some resistance training. Right now I do feel "in shape" and now I want to feel strong too.
Hopefully we can keep up this exercise pace. So far it's been pretty easy.
Well, I reached my goal. Yippee!! (I added an extra exclamation point just for fun).
About 3 months ago when residency ended, I knew I wanted to get into shape. I found the perfect goal a couple months ago. Now, I want to remind you that before this, I really wasn't doing any exercising. Slowly I've gotten in shape and it has been not too hard on my system. It has been really amazing to watch my body get in shape.
I didn't want this post to be about what I have been doing for the last 3 months (how boring is that?), but I did want to tell people where I've come from. But back to the race. When I signed up for the race, I didn't think too much that it would be in November in Minneapolis. Maybe if I did, I would have canceled, but I didn't. When I say "I", I actually me Aaron and myself. I signed him up too and he has been training like me. So we signed up and bought all of our cold weather gear.
On the day of the race, it was really cold (an understatment). We had our gear and were ready to go. I knew the race was popular, but I did not expect the amount of people that was there. The Star Tribune said a few thousand. When the race started it took almost 4 minutes to get to the start line. Once we got there, we started running. Quickly I felt nice and warm and the weather wasn't an issue. The crowd, however, was. There was no way you could run a fast race. The whole time Aaron and I were weaving back and forth passing people (and getting passed), We had a nice and easy pace, which in retrospect was kinda nice. It was an easy 5K that I thoroughly enjoyed. We took about 38 minutes total, but we ran the whole thing. Quite a lovely day.
Henry got his own race. Inside the Target Center there was a fitness center and they had kids activities. We signed Henry up and there was a race for him to run. It was 1 time around a track, which I was told was less than 1/4 of a mile. Before the race, Henry has expressed interest in running races, but the last race he could have ran, he froze. I really wanted to see him run (or at least try), but we were too late. My parents saw it and this is their report.
All of the 3 and 4 year olds lined up on a line. Henry lined up about 5 feet behind the line and got on all 4s in his starting position. When they said "go" he took off. He was in the outer lane and stayed completely in his lane the whole time. He ran a leisurely race and finished. He told me he won, and he did, but so did all the 20 or so kids that finished before him. He did a great job.
For Aaron and I, this is only a start. I'm not sure what our next goal is, but we'll find it. There is a 4 mile race in Brookside in the spring and multiple 5Ks all around. Right now I am focusing on adding some resistance training. Right now I do feel "in shape" and now I want to feel strong too.
Hopefully we can keep up this exercise pace. So far it's been pretty easy.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Back on Track

Now that my life has both simplified and got more complicated, I have found more time on my hands. This so called free time has helped me become more "myself" whatever that means. Almost three months ago residency ended and now this is starting to feel like real life. At first I had to study for boards (taken 4 weeks ago), then plan Henry's party (3 weeks ago). So really, these last 3 weeks have been great.
I believed that once residency ended, life would just open up and be free. I am finding that is not exactly true. There are always different stresses around the corner. My naivety has ended and I'm starting to realize that I just have to deal with things. This is one way to do it right here. This blog used to be completely about Henry, but I'm changing things a little. It would be nice to get my thoughts out, reach my family far away and also keep myself motivated. I will still talk about Henry, but I am also going to add my crafts and fitness into things.
Before I forget, Henry said the cutest thing. For some reason we were talking about me being nice. He said "Mommy, I like it when you're mad." Then he went into detail such as a dragon head and a dragon tail. If that's what he wants, I'll give it to him.
Also before I forget, about 3 weeks ago Aaron and I went to a movie. I'm trying to think of the name, but it escapes me now. Obviously not too memorable. Anyway, the movie was in Overland Park which was also the location of the new Roasterie coffee shop. If anyone does not know, the Roasterie has the best coffee hands down. Go ahead, try it, they ship. This week they were having a promotion and all you had to do was go into the new coffee shop and take a picture with a certain part on the wall. Both Aaron and I sent in the pictures, and guess what? I WON.
I know everyone feels like they never win anything, and maybe I've won enough now. There was that Glamour magazine/Star Tribune thing, and now this. So, I won free coffee for a year and also a free dinner. Now this dinner isn't just a McDonalds or something. This was at Julian restaurant in Brookside. The chef there (chef Tio) was a great chef at the American restaurant in KC and also was in the competition to be the next iron chef. Sadly, she did not win (but made it very very far). The dinner was a special Sunday night where she basically serves what she wants. You don't order a thing, it just comes.
Tonight Aaron and I went there and probably had the best meal of our lives. Let me give you the rundown.
5 course meal plus some really good Malbec.
First course: Lobster with some pate and lemon and celery. If anyone knows me, they would know that I am not particularly adventurous with my food. I vowed tonight to try everything (and I did). When this came out I was a little disappointed, but dug right in. Man, I'm glad I did. I'm not sure if I have ever had lobster before, but this was AMAZING. There was no fishy texture or taste and it was perfect. Easily the highlight of my meal and a definite surprise that made me even more excited for what was to come.
Second Course: Oysters in her cocktail that she made on the iron chef show. Now when I was in new orleans for my board review, I did taste a char-broiled oyster. It tasted like coal and was crunchy/rubbery. That I swallowed quickly and then was immensely proud of myself. Tonight with chef Tio's meal, I first tried the liquid around the oyster. Not exactly sure what was in it, but saw radishes. The liquid was very salty/briney and scary tasting. By this time Aaron had eaten his oyster and told me that it was very chewy. I knew I had to try it, but was not looking forward to it. I cut 1/4 of the oyster and put it in my mouth and chewed. Um, not very good. I don't think I'll every be able to like oysters even when they are cooked..... uh wait a minute. I think this was RAW! Man, okay, this was not a winner and it took a lot of wine to wash down that flavor and then I burped 5 minutes later and again had to wash it down with more wine.
Third Course: Asian Duck with parsnips. This was very good. After the oyster, I was very anxious to clean my palate so I dug in quickly. My first instinct was that it was very salty, but yet when I kept eating, all the complex flavors came out. There was a spiciness to it and the parsnip seemed perfect with it. The duck appeared quite red, but that didn't bother me in the least. Very flavorful and made me wanting more.
I believed that once residency ended, life would just open up and be free. I am finding that is not exactly true. There are always different stresses around the corner. My naivety has ended and I'm starting to realize that I just have to deal with things. This is one way to do it right here. This blog used to be completely about Henry, but I'm changing things a little. It would be nice to get my thoughts out, reach my family far away and also keep myself motivated. I will still talk about Henry, but I am also going to add my crafts and fitness into things.
Before I forget, Henry said the cutest thing. For some reason we were talking about me being nice. He said "Mommy, I like it when you're mad." Then he went into detail such as a dragon head and a dragon tail. If that's what he wants, I'll give it to him.
Also before I forget, about 3 weeks ago Aaron and I went to a movie. I'm trying to think of the name, but it escapes me now. Obviously not too memorable. Anyway, the movie was in Overland Park which was also the location of the new Roasterie coffee shop. If anyone does not know, the Roasterie has the best coffee hands down. Go ahead, try it, they ship. This week they were having a promotion and all you had to do was go into the new coffee shop and take a picture with a certain part on the wall. Both Aaron and I sent in the pictures, and guess what? I WON.
I know everyone feels like they never win anything, and maybe I've won enough now. There was that Glamour magazine/Star Tribune thing, and now this. So, I won free coffee for a year and also a free dinner. Now this dinner isn't just a McDonalds or something. This was at Julian restaurant in Brookside. The chef there (chef Tio) was a great chef at the American restaurant in KC and also was in the competition to be the next iron chef. Sadly, she did not win (but made it very very far). The dinner was a special Sunday night where she basically serves what she wants. You don't order a thing, it just comes.
Tonight Aaron and I went there and probably had the best meal of our lives. Let me give you the rundown.
5 course meal plus some really good Malbec.
First course: Lobster with some pate and lemon and celery. If anyone knows me, they would know that I am not particularly adventurous with my food. I vowed tonight to try everything (and I did). When this came out I was a little disappointed, but dug right in. Man, I'm glad I did. I'm not sure if I have ever had lobster before, but this was AMAZING. There was no fishy texture or taste and it was perfect. Easily the highlight of my meal and a definite surprise that made me even more excited for what was to come.
Second Course: Oysters in her cocktail that she made on the iron chef show. Now when I was in new orleans for my board review, I did taste a char-broiled oyster. It tasted like coal and was crunchy/rubbery. That I swallowed quickly and then was immensely proud of myself. Tonight with chef Tio's meal, I first tried the liquid around the oyster. Not exactly sure what was in it, but saw radishes. The liquid was very salty/briney and scary tasting. By this time Aaron had eaten his oyster and told me that it was very chewy. I knew I had to try it, but was not looking forward to it. I cut 1/4 of the oyster and put it in my mouth and chewed. Um, not very good. I don't think I'll every be able to like oysters even when they are cooked..... uh wait a minute. I think this was RAW! Man, okay, this was not a winner and it took a lot of wine to wash down that flavor and then I burped 5 minutes later and again had to wash it down with more wine.
Third Course: Asian Duck with parsnips. This was very good. After the oyster, I was very anxious to clean my palate so I dug in quickly. My first instinct was that it was very salty, but yet when I kept eating, all the complex flavors came out. There was a spiciness to it and the parsnip seemed perfect with it. The duck appeared quite red, but that didn't bother me in the least. Very flavorful and made me wanting more.
Fourth Course: Beef with shitake mushrooms, little onions and pate of some sort. I saw chef tio on iron chef for one episode and she mentioned that she loved fish, so I was a little concerned that the main course would be fish. It wasn't. Instead it was a beautiful pairing. I believe I ate all of the mushrooms (and that is saying something for me). The beef again was pretty rare, but great. Very happy with the main course.
Fifth Course: Yes the dessert. I don't think we got a full explanation of this, but it seemed like a rum/raisin bread with a little soft cheese on top. I was nice and spicy (cinnamon vs nutmeg) and perfect.
I am not sure I have ever eaten a 5 course meal, but it was all great (minus the oysters). Next time, I might even pay.
Alright, this seems like a long enough post for now, but I'll be back soon.
Fifth Course: Yes the dessert. I don't think we got a full explanation of this, but it seemed like a rum/raisin bread with a little soft cheese on top. I was nice and spicy (cinnamon vs nutmeg) and perfect.
I am not sure I have ever eaten a 5 course meal, but it was all great (minus the oysters). Next time, I might even pay.
Alright, this seems like a long enough post for now, but I'll be back soon.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Henryisms V
Henry & I (Aaron) recently came home to a pretty bad leak in our dining room ceiling. I was freaking out, and I think I said something like, "What are we supposed to do?" Henry said, "I have an idea. We should do a rain dance!" No idea where he got that.
"I got for something" = I forgot something
To Laura: "Shape up!"
Laura: "How should I shape up?"
Henry: "Umm...circles...triangles...squares..."
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
More Henryisms
Two nights ago Henry was whining in bed. Apparently there was a hair in his mouth and he could not get it out. While he was crying, he said "I cannot believe it."Anyone who has kids should know this famous phrase from Little Einsteins. He used it in a different context, and correctly.
Yesterday I was cleaning with him, when all of a sudden he grabbed a dining room chair and went over to the closet. I asked what he was doing and he said " I need a bandaid" I asked if he hurt himself and he showed me his finger which had a little scrape on it. He didn't fuss or cry out at all, but he knew to make him feel better he needed a bandaid. So he got a bandaid, and about 5 minutes later I hear "oh no.......oh no." Apparently he lost the bandaid. Luckily it was just on his pants,:)
Yesterday I was cleaning with him, when all of a sudden he grabbed a dining room chair and went over to the closet. I asked what he was doing and he said " I need a bandaid" I asked if he hurt himself and he showed me his finger which had a little scrape on it. He didn't fuss or cry out at all, but he knew to make him feel better he needed a bandaid. So he got a bandaid, and about 5 minutes later I hear "oh no.......oh no." Apparently he lost the bandaid. Luckily it was just on his pants,:)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Henryisms II
"What is your full name?"
"Henry William Stilley."
"What is Mommy's full name?
"Mommy William Stilley."
"Mommy William Stilley."
"What is Daddy's full name?"
"Daddy William Stilley."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
While digging in the garden, Henry was pretending to plant seeds. I asked what he was planting. He said, "Candy apples."
Pointing to a US flag: "Obama!"
Upon my exiting the bathroom after a shower: "We have a clean Daddy?"
Playing catch: "Keep your eye on the ball!"
Favorite pronunciations:
Pointing to a US flag: "Obama!"
Upon my exiting the bathroom after a shower: "We have a clean Daddy?"
Playing catch: "Keep your eye on the ball!"
Favorite pronunciations:
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