Henry's second birthday was a great day. Just about all the KC-area family was able to make it over for a party. Henry wore the lion costume that Laura had made for him, and looked awfully cute, even if he wouldn't wear the hat much. He got lots of great gifts, including a camera from Mom & Dad, and a Rangers jersey that I made for him. Grammy & Poppy gave him an easel with paper on one side and a chalkboard on the other that has gotten a lot of use. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt 'Nae and cousin Malcolm came down for a visit soon after his birthday. G-ma & G-pa gave him a trike, which he loves to ride around the house. Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends all did a great job of picking toys and clothes to enjoy. (Sorry we never got thank-you cards out...we really did appreciate everyone coming out and getting gifts for him.) After the party, we went trick-or-treating for the first time, up and down our block. Henry took his lion hat off between every house, but we told him he had to put it back on at each house if he wanted candy. He thought it was pretty cool that everybody was giving him candy just for saying "trick-or-treat." Mom and Dad liked getting to meet some neighbors. October 31st might be my favorite new day.
He had his 2-year check-up on November 2nd. He did not enjoy that all. I think he must have remembered getting shots before, because he was pretty upset. Luckily, Mom had planned ahead and brought a Halloween sucker, which he got right after his shots, and was fine once he had that. He's still a giant, weighing in at 36 lbs and a height of 36", which puts him over the 95th percentile for both.