So I (Laura), am ready for Henry to cry through the night. It's been getting worse to where he is staying up after I feed him in the middle of the night. I suppose it's my crazy schedule and he never knows when I'm being around. I dream of someday waking up refreshed.
So we've decided to try it. We are currently on Phase one of the plan. For now when Henry cries in the middle of the night I will feed him, but put him back in bed. If he cries after that I will not pick him up. Phase two will be feeding him only one time a night. Phase three is a full night without food or intervention. By looking at his belly it is obvious he is not deprived of food and does not need his little midnight feeds.
Last night was our first attempt and it actually went pretty well. He woke up around 2 or so, I fed him and put him back. He was pretty mad and cried pretty hard for about 20 minutes, but then did okay after that. He woke up again around 5, and I did the same thing, but he only cried for a little bit. Then, he actually slept until 10am. I don't think he's ever done that.
We'll keep you posted. If this keeps going well there maybe more blogs because I may actually have energy.
Keep your fingers crossed!